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论著 | 更新时间:2015-05-21
Clinical application of sevoflurane combined with sacral canal blocking anesthesia in laparoscopic hernia repair in children

微创医学 201304期 页码:412-414

作者机构: 广西医科大学第三附属医院

基金信息: 收稿日期: 2013-04-10

  • 中文简介
  • 英文简介
  • 参考文献



Objective To explore the feasibility and safety of sevoflurane combined with sacral canal blocking anesthesia in laparoscopic hernia repair in children. Methods Sixty cases of children due to undergo bilateral laparoscopic hernia repair,ASA I - II,were randomly divided into group A ( using sevoflurane combined with sacral canal blocking anesthesia) and group A( using general anesthesia intubation) , 30 cases in each group. Aeroperitoneum effect,time of postoperative awakening,heart rate( HR) ,mean arterial pressure ( MAP) ,partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide( PetCO2 ) , and pulse oxygen saturation( SpO2 ) of the two groups were observed and compared. Results There was no statistical significance in operation time between the two groups,but the awakening time was significantly shorter in group A than in group B. Significant increment was observed in HR,MAP,and PetCO2 in both groups,but no significant difference was detected between the two groups. Conclusion Sevoflurane combined with sacral canal blocking anesthesia is feasible and safe in laparoscopic hernia repair in children.
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