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临床研究 | 更新时间:2018-01-08
Clinical application of chemical composition analysis of urinary calculi using energy spectrum CT to extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

微创医学 201712卷06期 页码:778-780




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目的研究能谱CT测定结石原子序数和CT值在上尿路结石体外冲击波碎石效果中的临床价值。方法选取2010~2013年单发上尿路结石患者450例为A组,经B超或X线确诊后接受体外冲击波碎石治疗;B组为2014~2017年在1 050例上尿路结石患者中,经能谱CT确诊并测出结石原子序数判定结石成分后,筛选出100例易碎性结石,再进行体外冲击波碎石治疗。统计两组一次性碎石成功率。结果A组一次性碎石成功率为76.0%(342/450)。B组经能谱CT原子序数测定筛选出易碎性结石,其成分为尿酸、磷酸镁铵及二水草酸钙结石共100例,其中尿酸结石11例,磷酸镁铵结石29例,二水草酸钙结石60例,一次性碎石成功率为87.0%(87/100),两组一次性碎石成功率比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论结石原子序数和CT值测定可有效判定结石成分,筛选出易碎结石后,再进行体外冲击波碎石治疗,可避免盲目碎石对肾脏造成的器质和功能损害,达到提高体外冲击波碎石排石效率,节约治疗成本,缩短治疗时间的目的。
ObjectiveTo investigate the clinical value of calculi atomic number and CT value determined by energy spectrum CT in evaluating the efficacy of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy(ESWL) for upper urinary tract calculi. MethodsA total of 450 patients with solitary urinary calculi between 2010 and 2013 were enrolled as group A, and underwent ESWL after definite diagnosis by ultrasound or X ray. A total of 1050 patients with solitary urinary calculi between 2014 and February, 2017 were enrolled as group B. Definite diagnosis, atomic number measurement and composition analysis of calculi were conducted using energy spectrum CT in group B, then 100 cases with friable calculi were screened out and underwent ESWL. The success rate of one-time lithotripsy was compared between the two groups. ResultsThe success rate one-time lithotripsy was 76.0%(342/450)in group A . In group B, the cases with friable calculi were screened accprding to the atomic number by energy spectrum CT. Of 100 cases with the components of uric acid, ammonium magnesium phosphate or calcium oxalate dihydrate stones, uric acid calculi was found in 11 cases, magnesium ammonium phosphate calculi in 29 and calcium oxalate dihydrate calculi in 60 cases. The success rate one-time lithotripsy was (87/100) in group B. Significant difference in the success rate of one-time lithotripsy was observed between the two groups(P<0.05). ConclusionThe atomic number and CT value of calculi can effectively determine the composition of calculi. The renal organic and functional damage caused by aimless lithotripsy can be avoided if the ESWL can be performed after screening of the cases with friable calculi. Moreover, the efficacy of ESWL can be improved, the cost of treatment can be saved and the therapeutic time can be shortened.






