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临床研究 | 更新时间:2017-07-06
Application of fast track surgery to endoscopic surgery in elderly patients with choledocholithiasis

微创医学 201712卷03期 页码:347-349

作者机构:(1 广东省东莞市第八人民医院,东莞市523325;2 广东省东莞市第三人民医院,东莞市523326)

基金信息:▲基金项目:广东省东莞市科学技术局医疗卫生科技计划项目(编号:2015105101085) *通信作者


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  • 英文简介
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【摘要】目的探讨快速康复外科理念在老年胆总管结石内镜治疗中的应用效果。方法选择60例拟接受内镜取石治疗的老年胆总管结石患者,随机分为传统组与快速康复组,每组30例。比较两组患者手术情况、术后并发症及恢复情况。结果两组均无腹腔和消化道出血、肠穿孔及术后死亡病例发生。两组术后出现的症状、体征、术后并发症以及术后24 h血白细胞、血淀粉酶、术后住院总时间及住院总费用比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。快速康复组术后禁食时间及术后72 h总输液量明显少于传统组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在老年胆总管结石内镜治疗中应用快速康复外科理念是安全、有效的,缩短了术后禁食时间,加快了患者康复速度。
【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo explore the efficacy of fast track surgery (FTS) applicated to endoscopic surgery in the elderly patients with choledocholithiasis. MethodsSixty elderly patients with choledocholithiasis planning to received endoscopic lithotomy were enrolled, and were randomly divided into the traditional group and FTS group,with 30 cases in each group. The operative condition, postoperative complications and recovery were compared between the two groups. ResultsNo abdominal cavity and digestive tract hemorrhage, enterobrosis and death occurred in both groups. There were no significant differences in the postoperative symptoms and signs, postoperative complications, blood WBC and amylase levels after 24 hour of operation, postoperative hospital stay and hospitalization cost between the two groups(P>0.05). The duration for postoperative abrosia and total infusion volume within 72 hours after operation in the FTS group were less than those in the traditional group (P<0.05). ConclusionApplication of FTS to endoscopic surgery in elderly patients with choledocholithiasis is safe and effective, can shorten the duration for postoperative abrosia and fasten the patients′ recovery.






