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临床研究 | 更新时间:2015-07-27
Efficacy of minimally invasive TLIF surgery in patients with I or II degree single segment degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis

微创医学 201504期 页码:468-470


基金信息:作者简介:杨显泉(1970~),男,本科,副主任医师,研究方向:脊柱外科。 (收稿日期:20150416修回日期:20150614)


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目的 探讨微创经椎间孔腰椎椎体间融合术(TLIF)术式对Ⅰ或Ⅱ度单节段退行性腰椎滑脱症的治疗效果。方法 将80例Ⅰ或Ⅱ度单节段退行性腰椎滑脱症患者分为观察组和对照组各40例,观察组患者采用微创TLIF术式,对照组患者则采用开放TLIF术式,比较两组疗效。结果 术后观察组患者的切口长度、术中出血量、术后引流量以及术后住院时间等指标均明显优于对照组,观察组患者的术后3个月视觉模拟评分(VAS)、下腰痛疾患疗效评分(JOA)以及Oswestry功能障碍指数(ODI)等均较对照组明显改善,两组比较,差异具有统计学意义。结论 采用微创TLIF术式对Ⅰ或Ⅱ度单节段退行性腰椎滑脱症具有显著效果,可明显改善腰椎滑脱症患者的临床症状,缓解患者的疼痛程度,促进患者腰椎功能障碍的改善,有利于提高患者的生活质量,促进患者的预后恢复。
Objective To investigate the efficacy of minimally invasive TLIF surgery in patients withⅠorⅡdegree single segment degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis. Methods Eighty patients withⅠorⅡ degree single segment degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis were divided into observation group (n=40) and control group (n=40). Minimally invasive surgical TLIF surgery was performed in the observation group and open TLIF surgery in the control group. The efficacy was compared between the two groups. Results The assessment of incision length, intraoperative blood loss, postoperative drainage volume and postoperative hospital stay in the observation group was superior to that in the control group. At 3 months after surgery, the VAS score, JOA score and ODI score in the observation group were significantly improved compared with the control group, and there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. Conclusions Minimally invasive TLIF surgery is highly effective for patients with single sectionⅠorⅡdegree segment degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis. This approach can significantly improve clinical symptoms of patients with lumbar spondylolisthesis, relieve the patients from pain, promote the improvement of lumbar dysfunction. Besides, it can enhance the quality of life and inprove the prognosis of patients.
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