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论著 | 更新时间:2015-06-03
Analysis of argon plasma coagulation in treatment of upper digestive tract disease

微创医学 201103期 页码:208-210


基金信息:基金项目: 广西南宁市科学研究与技术开发计划项目( 合同编号: 20090281C-3) 收稿日期: 2011-02-04

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目的探讨内镜下氩离子凝固术(APC)治疗上消化道疾病的疗效。方法采用内镜下APC术治疗61例上消化疾病患者,其中胃食管息肉26例,疣状胃炎13例,Barrett′s食管8例,上消化道出血42例。结果 26例胃食管息肉治疗后3个月内复查内镜均无残存病变,黏膜修复好;13例疣状胃炎患者治疗后1个月复查胃镜,内镜表现完全恢复正常;8例Barrett′s食管患者采用APC联合药物治疗,1年后复查有2例复发;14例上消化道出血经APC治疗后均未再出血。结论内镜下APC治疗胃食管息肉、疣状胃炎、Barrett′s食管、上消化道出血等上消化道疾病,安全有效,操作简单,并发症少,临床效果好。
Objective To explore the efficacy of argon plasma coagulation(APC) in treatment of upper digestive tract disease under endoscope.Methods 61 patients of upper digestive tract disease were treated by APC.Among 61 patients,26 cases were gastroesophageal polypus,13 cases were gastritis verrucosa,8 cases were Barrett′s esophageal,42 cases were upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage.Results For 26 cases of gastroesophageal polyp,the lesions were eliminated and no residual lesions were found when checked by endoscopy 3 months after APC treatment.For 13 case of gastritis verrucosa,all cases recovered thoroughly when checked by endoscopy 1 month after APC treatment.For 8 cases of Barrett′s esophageal treated with APC accompanied by drugs,2 case relapsed as shown by endoscopy and biopsy 1 year after the treatment.For 14 cases of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage,no hemorrhage was found after APC treatment.Conclusion APC in treatment of upper digestive tract disease under endoscope has features of safety,effective ness,easy operation and less complications.
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