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论著 | 更新时间:2015-06-02
Metrological research on temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of literatures on minimally invasive surgery of physical energy in China

微创医学 201206期 页码:595-597

作者机构: 广西壮族自治区医学科学情报研究所

基金信息: 广西科技基础条件平台建设-广西医学文献信息服务站建设(桂科能01-108-18)

  • 中文简介
  • 英文简介
  • 参考文献

目的探讨我国物理能微创术研究文献的时空分布特征,为物理能微创术的研究工作提供依据。方法采用文献时空分布研究方法统计分析我国物理能微创术文献的发表年份、关键词、文献类型。结果近年来我国物理能微创技术研究的文献发文量呈明显的上升趋势。射频治疗发文量5 393篇(51.1%),其次是激光手术3 569篇(33.8%),超声波手术及微波手术文献分别为1 331篇(12.6%)和258篇(2.5%)。文献类型以病例报告为主。结论近年来我国物理能微创术的发展迅速,但临床研究水平偏低。


Objective To study the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of literatures on minimally invasive surgery of physical energy in China,so as to provide a beneficial reference for further study of minimally invasive surgery of physical energy. Methods Publication date,keyword and publication type of literatures on minimally invasive surgery of physical energy in China were analyzed by method of literatures’ temporal and spatial distribution. Results The number of published articles on minimally invasive surgery of physical energy in China had been showing a rising trend. The number of published articles of radio-frequency was 5393 ( 51. 1%) ,which was followed by laser operation ( 3569,33. 8%) , ultrasonic operation ( 1331,12. 6% ) and microwave operation ( 258,2. 5%) . The main publication type was case report. Conclusion Minimally invasive surgery of physical energy has been developing rapidly recently,but it is at a low level.
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